<aside> 👋🏻 Welcome to my garden! This is where ideas come to seed, evolve and convert into formal writings. I wanted to share my potential musings and ideas, without the need to have full-fledged opinions and writing pieces around them. To learn more about gardens, read more here

These thoughts are much more candid, and as a result - should be taken with a grain of salt. My goal is to eventually make them open to input from the public, but in the interim, send me a DM on Twitter (@LHough25) - would love to hear your thoughts.

Note: Notion is the temporary home for my Garden, but open to better ways of integrating this into my site - more to come!



Book Reading List

Podcast Listening List

Article Reading List

💡Half-Baked Ramblings

Curated Content

The Github for Knowledge Sharing


Web3 & Crypto